About Krauza Family Chiropractic
When Dr. Steven Krauza was in chiropractic college, he explored his options about where to practice and live. As he grew up here and his wife is from the region, settling down in Erie made perfect sense.
Since 2003, Dr. Krauza has been providing our patients with natural, effective chiropractic care. In our early days, we focused more on pain relief, but have since evolved to promote adopting a wellness lifestyle. We still do an excellent job of relieving pain but we offer so much more to each patient—the opportunity to live their healthiest, best life!
Providing Patient Education
Our goal at the practice is to educate patients on how to eat properly, perform exercises and stretches correctly and make other healthy lifestyle changes.
If I can educate them to do that in a way that makes sense to their lifestyle, they’ll need me less.
- Dr. Krauza
Getting to the Root
Dr. Krauza uses the INSiGHT Subluxation station, which helps to determine the cause of a particular issue. “I can go deeper and have an understanding of why people are experiencing different symptoms,” he added.
Offering Care When You Need It
Whether you want to get out of pain or are seeking to improve your function, we are here for you. Dr. Krauza is willing to stay after hours, come in early in the morning or work through a lunch break to see a patient. He wants to get people out of pain as quickly as possible.
Some Success Stories
It’s been a privilege to help so many patients who walk through our door. Here are some of the success stories we’ve witnessed over our years in practice.
With a reputation of being called the “poop doctor,” Dr. Krauza has helped to alleviate constipation in many children. After he would adjust the children, they would fill their diaper.
Dr. Krauza has helped many infertile couples fulfill their dreams of becoming parents.
One of the things that Dr. Krauza is most passionate about is helping to encourage patients to go for their goals. He’s helped push people to do their first marathon and encouraged others to try sky diving. “I enjoy helping people get out of their comfort zone and gaining their trust. Having patients trust me to lead them is something I never, ever take for granted,” he said.
Book an Appointment
Discover the difference that natural chiropractic care could make in your life. Contact our chiropractic care center today to schedule your time!